Hiii, how are you guys? It´s been SOOOOOO long. As of today, May 7th, 2019, this site will be no longer about Club Penguin News as Club Penguin is sadly all but forgotten at this point. Rather, this blog will now MAINLY focus on sharing the latest news when it comes to the Entertainment Media, such as, but not limited to, videogames and movies as well as my personal opinions regarding such topics. Hence the name of this blog being called: "Entertainment Zone".

The real reason for making this HUGE change is because I really don´t have anything more to cover about Club Penguin since the game is dead and because I really love discussing news about the gaming world as well as sharing my opinions on them and hearing yours as well

In fact, I have a YouTube channel where I do just that, but the main difference between my YouTube channel and this blog is that on the former the topic is presented in a visual way whereas the latter aims to present it in a textual way. You may be wondering how the heck do you have so much time to run a YouTube channel and a blog at the same time. I don´t. Actually when I make a video for YouTube I start by writing the script which is what I´ll say during the video. Here on the blog I´ll just put the script I´ve previously written and I may add some extra content and transform it or adapt it in some way. But know that I´m not doing this for a living. I do it because I have fun and I´m very passionate about writing articles regarding topics i´m interested in.

So this blog is akin to killing two birds with one stone. Why just run my YouTube channel when I could run my channel and this blog at once without putting extra effort or dedicating more time to the latter.

On a sidenote, I´ll start posting articles on this Blog in these upcoming weeks when I have moore time. The reason why I´m not so active now is simply because I´m studying. You should know that this IS NOT my JOB, rather this is just a hobbie and it´ll stay that way!

Have an amazing day/night wherever you´re! ;)

P.S: When I´d started this blog, WAAAY back in 2013, I´ve just posted random articles about Club Penguin which were written in Spanish and didn´t even take 5 minutes of my time.
It´s really incredible how much this blog has changed.

Also make sure to check out my YouTube channel if you´re interested in gaming news and some other random stuff I can´t think of right now xD! :D
